Sabtu, 23 Januari 2010
Hydraulic Breaker / Hammer Parts
1) Cylinder assembly
This contains the moving piston which strikes the tool. The seals for both ends of the piston are also located in the cylinder. The seals for the upper end of the piston are located in a removable seal retainer while the seals for the lower end of the piston are located in proves machined directly into the cylinder.
2) Piston
The piston transfers impact power to the tool, generated by hydraulic power.
3) Seal retainer
The seal retainer has oil seals to seal Nitrogen(N2) gas in back head , and to prevent hydraulic oil leakage.
4) Valve housing
This guise the main valve movement
5) Valve
The valve controls reciprocal piston action with hydraulic fluid distribution.
6) Valve adjuster
When the base machine supplies insufficient hyd. oil to hydraulic breaker, this valve adjuster can obtain the rated working pressure by reducing number of blows, and in the reverse, when excessive oil flow from basemachine, the increasing number of blows, by this valve adjuster can keep the rated working pressure.
7) Cylinder adjuster
Turn the setting screw clockwise to decrease blows rate of hydraulic breaker, counterclockwise to increase blows rate of hydraulic breaker.
8) Accumulator assembly
The accumulator is a gas charged storage device designed to hold a reserve quantity of hydraulic fluid under pressure.In a hydraulic circuit, minor variations or lags in pump output that might otherwise cause unsteady or irregular operation are made up from the supply of pressurized oil in the accumulator.Accumulators are solidly constructed to resist high operating pressure.
9) Front head assembly
This retains the tool, using the tool pins.By removing these pins, the tool can be changed.
10) Thrust bush
This guide the tool, thrust bush limits the upper position of the tool.They are consumable parts, which should be checked for wear limits. If needed, they should be replaced.
11) Tool
This transfers piston impact power to the objects.We recommend that various tool shapes according to working circumstance.
12) Tool pin
This is installed on the front head, and stops the tool from coming off.
13) Back head assembly
This contains the cushion chamber charged with nitrogen(N2) gas that compresses during upward strokes of the piston, and serves to provide maximum absorption of piston recoil, efficiency storing this energy for the next blow.
14) Through bolts
These are used to assemble the front head, and the cylinder and the back head. They have to be constantly tightened to specified torque. Inspect the bolts for loosening, and re-tighten them weekly.
Kamis, 21 Januari 2010
Dewasa ini dunia konstruksi di Indonesia cukup mengejutkan dengan cepatnya proses pemulihan sejak krisis moneter 1998 menerpa perekonomian negara ini. Kondisi ekonomi makro yang membaik disertai kemapanan ekonomi mikro 5 tahun terakhir memungkinkan perputaran bisnis di sektor riil khususnya di sektor konstruksi turut menikmati euforia pembangunan.
Nowdays, construction business in Indonesia is surprising us enough by its short rebounded time to achieve its establish condition since global financial crisis attacked in 1998. The established macro economic as well as micro economic in this last 5 years generate construction market sector reachs its sustainable euphoria.
Lebih jauh, salah satu masalah yang menghambat produksi di sektor konstruksi adalah manakala dalam praktek pekerjaan konstruksi di lapangan menemukan lapisan material keras (tak terkecuali pekerjaan demolution bangunan)yang membutuhkan perlakuan khusus.
Look further, one of the obstacles to reach optimum production in construction business is the condition when the earth moving project faces on solid materials (as well in building demolution project) which need special treatment.
Produk Hydraulic Hammer hadir untuk menjawab masalah ini, dimana produk yang diinstal ke unit excavator ataupun skid steer loader ini dapat dengan mudah diaplikasikan di lapangan tanpa memerlukan supervisi yang rumit dan tentu saja jauh lebih ekonomis dibanding menggunakan tenaga manusia ataupun blasting (penggunaan bahan peledak) yang relatif lebih mahal baik dari bahan baku maupun sumber daya manusia tenaga ahli disamping proses perijinannya yang tidak mudah.
Hydraulic Hammer was designed to answer this obstacle by its easy application as attachment of hydraulic excavator or skid steer loader machine as well as its value to reduce cost comparing other option such as blasting which is requiring sophisticated human resource and complicated permittion.
Control Valve pada unit excavator maupun skid steer loader, menyisakan bank/chanel yang iddle (belum terpakai) untuk disalurkan ke unit attachment Hydraulic Hammer. Praktisnya, aliran hydraulic oil dari hydraulic pump pada excavator akan diarahkan ke attachment sebagai tenaga penggerak piston . Piston kemudian akan mentransfer tenaga yang diterimanya ke tool yang nantinya akan memecahkan obyek. piston inilah yang akan memukul pin untuk selanjutnya memecahkan obyek material yang dapat berupa bantuan ataupun bangunan yang ingin dihancurkan. Kami merekomendasikan untuk mengunakan bentuk tool yang sesuai dengan jenis pekerjaan.
Control Valve of Hydraulic Excavator or Skid Steer Loader machine has iddle bank to flowing hydraulic oil from hydraulic pump to hit piston . Piston will transfer impact power to the tool which will break the object. We recommend that various tool shapes are according to working circumstance.
KOREATAMA TRACTORS menyediakan produk Hydraulic Hammer terbaik di kelasnya dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif. Brand/ merk dagang seperti Torpedo & Daemo adalah nama yang telah mendominasi pasar konstruksi maupun mining dalam 1 dasarwarsa terakhir. Kami hadir untuk menyelesaikan masalah produksi konstruksi anda, jangan pernah ragu untuk menghubungi contact person kami ataupun kantor cabang kami terdekat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang spesifikasi produk dan harga penawaran.
KOREATAMA TRACTORS provides the best Hydraulic Hammer in its class through value which is its competitive price. The brands such as Torpedo & Daemo dominate construction & mining global market in this last 10 years. We are born to solve your contruction problem so do not hestitate to call our contact person as well as our nearest branch to dig further our product specification and pricing.
Nowdays, construction business in Indonesia is surprising us enough by its short rebounded time to achieve its establish condition since global financial crisis attacked in 1998. The established macro economic as well as micro economic in this last 5 years generate construction market sector reachs its sustainable euphoria.
Lebih jauh, salah satu masalah yang menghambat produksi di sektor konstruksi adalah manakala dalam praktek pekerjaan konstruksi di lapangan menemukan lapisan material keras (tak terkecuali pekerjaan demolution bangunan)yang membutuhkan perlakuan khusus.
Look further, one of the obstacles to reach optimum production in construction business is the condition when the earth moving project faces on solid materials (as well in building demolution project) which need special treatment.
Produk Hydraulic Hammer hadir untuk menjawab masalah ini, dimana produk yang diinstal ke unit excavator ataupun skid steer loader ini dapat dengan mudah diaplikasikan di lapangan tanpa memerlukan supervisi yang rumit dan tentu saja jauh lebih ekonomis dibanding menggunakan tenaga manusia ataupun blasting (penggunaan bahan peledak) yang relatif lebih mahal baik dari bahan baku maupun sumber daya manusia tenaga ahli disamping proses perijinannya yang tidak mudah.
Hydraulic Hammer was designed to answer this obstacle by its easy application as attachment of hydraulic excavator or skid steer loader machine as well as its value to reduce cost comparing other option such as blasting which is requiring sophisticated human resource and complicated permittion.
Control Valve pada unit excavator maupun skid steer loader, menyisakan bank/chanel yang iddle (belum terpakai) untuk disalurkan ke unit attachment Hydraulic Hammer. Praktisnya, aliran hydraulic oil dari hydraulic pump pada excavator akan diarahkan ke attachment sebagai tenaga penggerak piston . Piston kemudian akan mentransfer tenaga yang diterimanya ke tool yang nantinya akan memecahkan obyek. piston inilah yang akan memukul pin untuk selanjutnya memecahkan obyek material yang dapat berupa bantuan ataupun bangunan yang ingin dihancurkan. Kami merekomendasikan untuk mengunakan bentuk tool yang sesuai dengan jenis pekerjaan.
Control Valve of Hydraulic Excavator or Skid Steer Loader machine has iddle bank to flowing hydraulic oil from hydraulic pump to hit piston . Piston will transfer impact power to the tool which will break the object. We recommend that various tool shapes are according to working circumstance.
KOREATAMA TRACTORS menyediakan produk Hydraulic Hammer terbaik di kelasnya dengan harga yang sangat kompetitif. Brand/ merk dagang seperti Torpedo & Daemo adalah nama yang telah mendominasi pasar konstruksi maupun mining dalam 1 dasarwarsa terakhir. Kami hadir untuk menyelesaikan masalah produksi konstruksi anda, jangan pernah ragu untuk menghubungi contact person kami ataupun kantor cabang kami terdekat untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut tentang spesifikasi produk dan harga penawaran.
KOREATAMA TRACTORS provides the best Hydraulic Hammer in its class through value which is its competitive price. The brands such as Torpedo & Daemo dominate construction & mining global market in this last 10 years. We are born to solve your contruction problem so do not hestitate to call our contact person as well as our nearest branch to dig further our product specification and pricing.
KOREATAMA TRACTORS adalah sebuah perusahaan nasional yang bergerak dibidang perdagangan produk produk engineering khususnya sebagai penyalur resmi produk - produk hidrolik breaker / hidrolik hammer buatan Korea di Indonesia.
KOREATAMA TRACTORS is a national company in trading business of engineering products exclusively as authorized dealer of Korean hydraulic breaker / hidraulic hammer in Indonesia.
Didirikan sejak 2008, KOREATAMA TRACTORS telah memenuhi berbagai kebutuhan pasar di segala sektor mulai dari sektor pertambangan, konstruksi jalan, konstruksi bangunan, pertanian, industrial, earth moving, dan sektor -sektor lainnya.
Established in 2008, KOREATAMA TRACTORS had been serving every need of every market sector such as mining, road construction, bulding construction, farming, industrial, earth moving construction, etc.
Dengan berkomitmen pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia dan teknologi untuk memacu pelayanan purna jual yang prima, KOREATAMA TRACTORS terus melebarkan sayap ke seluruh wilayah di Indonesia dengan tetap memenuhi standar kualitas pelayanan yang sudah ditetapkan.
By its commitment to develop human resource and technolgy to reach optimum after sales service, KOREATAMA TRACTORS keep on expanding to all Indonesia area but in the same time keep on meeting its service quality standard.
Nilai nilai perusahaan tersebut diatas juga ditopang dengan kualitas produk yang prima. Perpaduan nilai nilai tersebut memungkinkan KOREATAMA TRACTORS dalam usia yang sangat muda sudah memenuhi market share 31% sepanjang tahun 2009 sekaligus masuk dalam nominasi 10 perusahaan penyalur dengan tingkat pertumbuhan bisnis terbesar di indonesia untuk kategori keteknikan sepanjang tahun 2009 dari salahsatu majalah business ternama di Indonesia.
It company values are also supported by product quality . The combination of those raises KORATAMA TRACTORS to achieve 31% share market sector in 2009 as well as to achieve Top 10 companies which had the best growth in 2009 by a popular Indonesian Business Magazine.
Menjadi penyalur terkemuka produk - produk alat berat di Indonesia dengan tetap menjaga etika bisnis.
1. Membangun kualitas Sumber Daya Manusia Perusahaan kami sebagai bagian dari Sumber Daya Manusia Indonesia .
2. Membangun sistim proses internal perusahaan kami secara kontinu dan berkelanjutan.
3. Mencapai pertumbuhan perusahaan yang optimum dan menguntungkan.
4. Meningkatkan ketersediaan lapangan kerja di Indonesia.
5. Proaktif memberikan pelayanan kepada lingkungan sebagai bagian dari Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan kami.
1. Develop the quality of our Company Human Resource as the part of Indonesia Human Resource Development.
2. Develop continually and sustainable the internal process of our company.
3. Achive optimum and profitable growth of our company.
4. Pro-active to serve environment as our Company Social Responsiblity.
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